
Earlier this year, Watson Law and Hekkelman Advocaten decided to enter into a collaboration and vigorously face the future together. The result: a powerful combination in all legal matters involved.  Together we are helping entrepreneurs start up their businesses, expanding those businesses and/or discontinuing them in...

Blockchain technology introduces an alternative way to finance SMEs. In this report the authors analyse the legal classification and technological implications of the issuing and offering of security tokens in The Netherlands and the EU. Click here for the article. A cooperation with Infloat....

The crypto space is slowly but surely moving away from ‘unregulated mess’ status. At the same time last year, ICOs often glazed headlines as ‘fraudulent, valueless, cheap tricks to raise money’. Most governments were not big fans either. South Korea, a current seat for notable crypto-related operations...

Bitcoin introduceert een nieuwe betaalmethode die sterk verschilt van girale betalingen, omdat er geen sprake is van een centrale partij. Mogelijk kwalificeert bitcoin als een vermogensrecht en kan er beslag op worden gelegd. De auteurs onderzoeken wat het praktisch belang van een dergelijk beslag is. Lees...