Corporate Litigation

Here’s our point:
We can do what needs to be done to make you win.


Nobody wants to be involved in legal action. Still, sometimes proceedings are required to find a good resolution to a dispute. Litigating is an art. Just being well-versed in law is not going to cut it. It also requires the skill of distinguishing between main and side issues, highlighting the legally relevant matters appropriately and, last but not least: strategic insight. In addition, in-depth knowledge of procedural regulations is crucial. In order to act swiftly and with the right result, you have to know the rules of the game and how to apply them effectively.


At Watsonlaw we have years of experience with legal proceedings. From disputes about the removal of directors to shareholder disputes. Situations in which shareholders do not agree on the direction the company is taking, for instance. Or in which one shareholder would like a dividend and the other does not. But also situations in which one shareholder wants to sell his shares and this results in skirmishes about the transfer restrictions. Circumstances in which you want to be able to rely on the expertise and decisiveness of an experienced partner also occur when two companies have made agreements and controversy arises over them. Or when suppliers do not meet their agreements. And what about fraud at a company, for example when a staff member or manager diverts proceeds, or fraud due to an external cause like phishing or otherwise.


Whatever the dispute in whatever the situation, clients feel their workload is eased by entrusting matters to Watsonlaw. The feedback below has reached us from clients who put their trust in the expertise and decisiveness of Watsonlaw’s litigation experts.


At Watsonlaw we do everything that is required to handle proceedings successfully. With good reason. Because being entitled is one thing, obtaining redress is another. Maarten van Ingen has extensive experience in litigation and has been a lecturer at the Dutch Bar Association’s vocational training programme for years. He knows what is needed to defend your interests successfully. So your business is in good hands with Maarten.


Would you like to know more? Please contact Maarten van Ingen and Olaf Poorthuis for more information.

Being right is one thing, but getting justice is something else.

Track record.


  • Various proceedings with regard to (aversion of) director and supervisory director liability.
  • Various guarantee third-party proceedings concerning take-over aftermath.
  • Various shareholder disputes before the Netherlands Enterprise Court at the Amsterdam Court of Appeal.

Client experiences.