
Here’s our point of view:
We can help you prepare for what the future holds for your business.


Watsonlaw is a pioneer in the fields of bitcoin, blockchain and tokenization. We have in-depth knowledge of the legal aspects of the application of blockchain technology. In addition, we have extensive experience in the establishing and structuring of companies that are involved in crypto. From the selection of legal entities to the tokenizing of capital and from the acquisition of bank accounts to the managing of registration and permit application with the AFM and the Dutch Central Bank DNB.


Many parties that are faced with crypto wrestle with the question of which legislation is applicable. Are activities subject to authorisation, or can an exemption be exercised? Does a prospectus need to be drawn up or does this concern a free offer? Or does a trading platform qualify as an MTF? The Watsonlaw team has mapped out the relevant legislation and provides rapid clarity. We can also help you with acquiring permits when that is necessary. Building together, is what we believe in. Certainly when you are growing rapidly, or foresee rapid growth, we are glad to run with this and contribute to the development and growth of your business. We conduct thorough research and proactively indicate developments, trends and knowledge that help you get on, and we indicate which direction will present the most opportunities for your business.


Initially, the crypto market was virtually unregulated but this is changing. Since May 2020, under AMLD5, specific regulations apply to exchange services and custodial wallet providers, including an obligation to register with DNB. From 30 December 2024, MiCA rules will apply. These regulations will regulate almost the entire crypto market and replace the registration requirement. Under MiCA, for issuing tokens (crypto-assets), a whitepaper must be prepared and submitted to the AFM. A licence will be required for the issuance of stable coins. Companies that provide services in respect of crypto-assets must also have a licence. Examples include trading platforms such as exchanges and brokers but also advisers and custodians.


At Watsonlaw we help clients to prepare for a registration or license, drawing up of the necessary documentation and the organisation of underlying processes. We do that with tangibly and practically applicable advice, hands-on throughout the steps of the process.


We think it is important to share our knowledge with parties that are active in the market. Which is why we regularly speak at events, distribute a newsletter every two weeks (sign up here) and regularly publish articles on legal developments in the areas of bitcoin, blockchain and crypto.


Would you like to know more? Please contact Willem-Jan Smits or Camiel Vermeulen.

New technologies demand new insights.

Track record.


  • Various blockchain-based financing trajectories with yields of around € 50 million.
  • Establishing and structuring a large number of crypto companies.
  • Managing the registration of crypto services suppliers with DNB.
  • Preparing permit application for investment company (MTF).

Download the MiCA Whitepaper.

The draft Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) Regulation was released by the European Commission in September 2020. As with most markets-focused regulations, one of MiCA’s priorities is to limit the potential risks to the consumer. But the EC’s proposal also aims to address certain issues that it sees as hindering the EU crypto-asset sector. In the MiCA Whitepaper we therefore extensively discuss various topics that may be important for issuers and crypto service providers.

Download Whitepaper MiCA

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