Willem-Jan Smits

The emergence of the Distributed Ledger Technology has completely transformed the ability of businesses and individuals to transfer money and raise capital by cutting out middlemen, raising payment efficiency and increasing the pool of available investors to any geographical location. Besides opportunities, however, this technological...

The crypto space is slowly but surely moving away from ‘unregulated mess’ status. At the same time last year, ICOs often glazed headlines as ‘fraudulent, valueless, cheap tricks to raise money’. Most governments were not big fans either. South Korea, a current seat for notable crypto-related operations...

Morning, afternoon, evening! Regardless of when you’re reading, we’re glad to have you on board again! After having our first introductory piece on blockchain we will be descending deeper into the trench to explore the technology’s possible, if not already present, real life applications. And no… it...

Het komt regelmatig voor dat een hypothecaire vordering van de bank hoger is dan de waarde van de verbonden woning zelf. In deze bijdrage vragen auteurs zich af of een bewoner met een dergelijke onder water staande woning die in een schuldsaneringsregeling terecht is gekomen,...