17 Mar Even students from France find their way to Watsonlaw
Benjamin Fontani will for a period of six months, join our crypto team as a paralegal. A few questions to our new colleague:
How did a French student end up at a law firm in Den Bosch?
“I grew up in a very international environment and have always been internationally orientated. Therefore, it was very natural for me to seize the opportunity to do a part of my traineeship abroad as part of the Paris Bar School. Due to personal ties, the Netherlands was my privileged destination. From the moment I started to look at different law firms in the Netherlands, I was very quickly drawn to Watsonlaw. I recognized myself in the innovative approach of Watsonlaw, and the specialized expertise on digital assets of the firm convinced me to apply for this traineeship, and the team decided to give me a chance so here I am in Den Bosch.”
What is your first impression of Watsonlaw?
“By joining Watsonlaw I discovered an extremely dedicated team with very high standards. I also had the chance to discover a very benevolent team that integrated me very quickly. This firm really is really working on a family based approach, in which the well-being of the team is highly valued in order to ensure the highest quality of work from the team that clients expect.”
What will be your main focus the next 6 months?
“For the next six months, I will use this experience to deepen my knowledge on the different aspects of the financial regulation of digital assets. The broad activity of Watsonlaw, as well as the great experience of the lawyers, will allow me to learn how to address the different issues that clients of the blockchain and digital assets ecosystem are facing. Moreover, this first experience in the Netherlands will allow me to discover the legal environment of this jurisdiction and to become a more versatile lawyer with cross-border knowledge. Finally, and most importantly, I will also try to integrate myself as well as possible in the Netherlands.”
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Stay in the Netherlands?
“I aspire to practice as a lawyer specializing in criminal law and financial regulation of digital assets. Considering my international background and my willingness to take on new challenges I cannot say if I will be practicing in France, the Netherlands, or somewhere else.”
Do you want to know more about Benjamin? Check out his page.